Atomiqx Technologies Co.

Sustainable innovation in the Netherlands

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Going green and achieving long-term climate goals requires smart technological solutions. The need for sustainable, emission-free, smart and safe technological mobility solutions has never been greater. Think of electrically powered vehicles, an efficient infrastructure, hydrogen as an energy carrier, smart, autonomous and connected cars, and traffic networks and systems (CAD). Our ultimate goal: no emissions, no traffic jams, and zero deaths due to car accidents.

Many Dutch companies are investing in making our country and the world a little smarter and greener. It would be impossible to name them all here, but we’ll introduce a few. Let’s start with ViriCiti, an Amsterdam-based startup looking for ways to accelerate the use of electric transportation. Their technology has already been installed in over 65% of Dutch electric buses. Then there’s a company named Everything About Hydrogen, who produced the first hydrogen-fuelled scooter in Arnhem in 2020. Another Dutch sustainable fave is Swapfiets. This company, founded by students of the Delft Technical University, promotes a cycling lifestyle by offering a monthly bike subscription, including free repairs. They’ve even moved onto e-bikes. When visiting big cities in the Netherlands, you’ll spot a Swapfiets bike on every corner – keep an eye out for their blue front tyres.



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